Thursday, May 25, 2006

i-Sho rhymes with 'Yo'!

Whats in a name? Well we've come across a problem with some people clearly having trouble reading the word 'i-Sho'. Its most noticeable at tradeshows where, as you cruise the aisles your accosted by a guy trying to encourage you to enter his stand. 'Hi, um Mr Thompson er... i shoe ..huh, thats an unusual name' etc etc. I've been tempted to respond with 'Hmmm, have you always had trouble spelling simple four letter words like 'shoe' or is this a recent problem?'..but I've refrained.
The issue is probably just an English one as the word 'sure' can never be pronounced 'sho' as it can in the States. Of course our word is designed to be a shortform version of 'show', in fact its also been designed to be a short form version of the word 'share' as well, so that by combining the two words we can create a new word 'sho' which means to show and share at the same time.
Maybe we could also include the meaning of the word 'Yo' and we'd have a truly versatile verb.
So there you have it i-Sho meaning to Show, Share and say Hello all at the same time!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Wait for it.....

As is the way of things, the release is still not out!
Entries have been absent while we concentrate on making sure the software is fit for online consumption.
We have also been publishing the website, see it here
The software is now nearly ready.... really it is.... I promise! The test beta has been scheduled for 30th May. This will be distributed to the first 100 critical friends, family and friends of friends. We shall then work on any issues and bugs that these user tests reveal. Software download is by invitation, go to the website and hit the download page.
Meanwhile we watch the space we are about to inhabit like a hawk, there has recently been a big move towards the acquisition of any companies with user generated content and social networking at its core. We'd like to think that this is only part of our overall value proposition. i-Sho being a unique file organisational tool also means we earn our place on the users desktop, its not easy to switch off once you start using it as your actual desktop.

Here is a screenshot displaying two channels, it will take six on screen at one time, any remaining channels can be tabbed down to the bottom.