Thursday, March 02, 2006

Counting down to go Live!

So after 10 months, and thousands of hours talking, sketching, doodling, procrastinating and coding, not to mention countless emails and days of Skype conference calls the software is about to go live. In India the development team is to be wound down while we move the HUB ( server) from the bustle of Mumbai to the rather more prosaic environs of Leicester in the UK.
There is a mad dash to fix the issues that dog every software project before our lead developer leaves and decisions about licences and hardware fill our every waking hour. The legal bits and bobs have been thought through argued over and finally made complete. The website is being designed and prototyped and our patent lawyers are pouring over reams of documentation ready to file patents in the US.
Meanwhile the hours tick by.....

Welcome to the i-Sho Blog

This is the first posting of what we hope will be a lively resource for i-Sho users, partners, commentators and friends.
We are going to use this Blog as a base for live commentary on the software, the issues surrounding its inception, and the 'industry' that surrounds its idea.
It can be a public forum for discussion round the core principles of i-Sho as an organisational tool, i-Sho as a lifecaching tool and i-Sho as a community tool.
The software is experimental and innovative, and for that reason we hope it provokes debate and above all interest.
To find out a bit more check out the website